Tuesday, 3 June 2014

How do you optimize QV Application.?

.Merge tables to reduce joins at run time, create flatter structure at load time.
Optimize QV in UI/Application levela) Try to avoid no of macros
b) Try to implement or use all complex calculation in script level not in UI
c)Avoid same charts in different tabs

Optimization in script levela) Avoid synthetic keys and circular loops
b)use QVD’s
c)try to use star schema instead of snowflake schema

How can we prohibit binary load..?

go to settings->Document properties->opening tab-> enable the prohibit binary load check box(then it will not possible to load data from QVW file via Binary load statement in another QVW statement)

What is Binary Load.?

Loading one QVW file of source into another QVW file is called Binary Load. The Binary Statement is  used for loading the access and data parts of a Qlikview document only one Binary Statement is allowed in the script and it can be put only as first statement of script

Ex. Binary Customers.QVW;